Exothermic Pulsefire LRT (Long Range Torch) Handheld Flamethrower (PF-LRT)

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MSRP: $629.99

Availability Only 1 left in stock

Original price was: $599.99.Current price is: $399.00.

The patent-pending Pulsefire is the ultimate compact, lightweight, fully handheld flamethrower that sends a blast of fire 25 feet away with the press of a button. Not legal in CA or MD.

Instantly generate a stream of fire with the press of a button.

Fill it like any other outdoor tool. With the system off, unscrew the cap and pour in gasoline or a gas/diesel mixture. When the battery gets low, take it out and charge it or swap in a spare to keep bringing the heat.

We’ve spoken with local firefighters, farmers, controlled burn prescribers and members of the U.S. Forestry Service, and they love the idea of an efficient, portable, long range torch for their work. The Exothermic Technologies Pulsefire is the safest and most effective way to apply fire at a distance.

  • Only 6lbs empty
  • Quick change battery
  • Low Power Protection
  • Standard Capacity: 27 Seconds of Fire
  • Optional Capacity:  Pulsefire Backpack Kit for over 4 Minutes of Fire

Compatible with Gasoline (unleaded, any octane) will produce a bright hot flashy flame and product the most reliable and brillant results.  A gasoline-diesel mixture (up to 50% diesel) is what you want to use for burning foilage.  The heat from the burning gasoline will keep the diesel above its flash point, and the oily diesel fuel will keep the fire going until whatever your burning is toast.

Great for Bonifres, Snow / Ice, Weeds, Insect Hives, Agriculture, Pyrotechnic, Forestry, and Special Effects!  Your choice!

Color/Finish OD Green
Type Long Range Torch
Accessories Battery Charger Included
"Images shown may not accurately reflect actual product listing. Federal/State/Local restrictions may apply. See store for details."

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